Friday, May 2, 2008

Friday, April 11, 2008

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Eco- Disco

A group of Eco techies in the Netherlands (enviu) invented a dance floor that caputres your bouncing and fancy stepping kinetic energy and translates that energy to run the Disco heating/ cooling system, lights and music. Cost $100 to $200 per square meter. Thats not bad. We should put these in all concert venues. You could get a discount after the show for dancing, Heck you could get paid after seeing Trey.

Friday, February 8, 2008

By Aeroplane to Pygmyland

check out this site:
A 1926 Dutch and American expedition to New Guinea
so crazy---Awesome

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Erich is so good

Last night we walked down the hill to the Democratic Caucus. On the way back up the hill we met with neighbors and a random dog. The Golden Retriever raced ahead and we figured it went home. As we treked up our long and steeply banked driveway we were ambushed by the same dog. It was so funny she came playfully charging out of the darkness totally like "AH-HA SUPRISE!"
We pet her and said go home. I was freezing and no banket or fire could warm my bones. We lay in bed and heard her bark some, and then again. So Erich got up and let her in to call the number off her tags. The number was disconnected. This is the part where I think Erich's so great: He got dressed and walked her home, she was confused with all the new snow and lived a hill and a turn away.

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Snowing up here

We shoveled 6 inches at 10:00 am and 5 more at 2:00 and the freshly shoveled path had accumulated another inch, So I give up. Deal with it tommorrow. I dont know if I can throw it that high. Erich shoveled the roof half way, leave the rest for Monday. He only fell off the roof once. The pile is as high as the roof so he jumped off and was instanly swallowed by the snow STUCK LIKE CHUCK up to his armpits

Saturday, February 2, 2008

The long long long and Winding Road

2500 miles 3 days and I am home. I spent Wed eve with Jason's family in Tampa and hit the road Thurs morning. I love Louisiana, blues, ragtime, cajun zydico, nice to pass the hours on the low end of the radio dial.

For a cheap hotel room pull into the hotel parking lot jump on their wireless network and register online is reasonable and very reliable, you can easily save $40. So Friday was dedicated to a 12 hour battle with the long horned beast that is Texas. In the long desolate valleys radio was reduced to 2 stations both broadcasting the local high school basketball game. I saw a ranch raising camels, which was interesting. Amarillo had some awesome blues on the radio. All I wanted was to bust though the state line and I made my goal with the help of a late night phone call from Anne. Helena also called me everyday it was so nice to catch up with her.

Erich met me at the bottom of our hill with tire chains to make the trek up to the house. 8 inches of fresh snow kept me at the bottom of the driveway. Welcome home heres a shovel!

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Fresh Air

I went for a nice long walk today, breathing in the ocean air and sunshine. I was listening to Dark Star and had to hold back a giggle as I passed a fellow pedestrian walking their 2 dogs in a stroller. Theirs was a double decker. I am safe to bet those dogs eat better than most humans.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008


The Manowar is one of those earthly creatures where I just scratch my head ---Why??? What is their part in this circle of life? I see them littering the beach like a dozen discarded home made balloons remember those stinky chemical tubes you could buy to make you own balloon? That’s what they look like nasty little creatures that can still sting you weeks after the have died --bastards! I have not been stung yet I hope I don’t.

So after a brief search I have learned that Loggerhead turtles and sea slugs eat them. That really can't be it, only 2 predators and an entire coastline of potential victims seems a little scewed so my question is this: What is the cosmic purpose of the manowar?

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Geico Commercial

Here is a commercial I took part in, obviously there were not 60 planes at the beach but its a nice touch.

Monday, January 14, 2008

Tampa Visit

I love my little nieces! What fun we had with their American girl dolls, dancing, making cupcakes, and reading books. My Brother Jason and his wife Debbie have a great life.

Bahia Honda, Florida State Park

Went camping with some fellow pilots over the weekend. The campsite was right on the water, so we were lulled to sleep by waves softly crashing, until the racoons woke us that is. We were on the Atlantic side of this 2 mile key, and the visiblity was too rough for snorkeling. A friend was nice enough to visit on Saturday with their speed boat. That trip was short lived when the engine quit. It was still nice to float and swim and be merry.